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Saturday 10 August 2013

Monkey swing

My two are simply obsessed with dressing up and spend the day changing in and out of various costumes. From Peter Pan to astronauts they love immersing themselves in a new character. My favourite is when they add a little of their own flavour.
Today for some unknown reason mini donned a hat, scarf and gloves with her Belle princess gown. And was very proud to boot.
Later she put on some 'proper' clothes to head out to the playground and lunch. Phin's old peach jeans from Bonpoint, her Gap crochet top, JCrew necklace and Boden silver brogues. But my favourite thing was that she allowed me to plait her hair in afenschaukeln, or monkey swings as they are known in germany. My mum used to do this hairstyle on me and I love the retro feel of it.
It's not too difficult. Just centre part the hair and plait each side. Then take a small elastic and fasten at the end of the plait. Double the plait under itself and fasten under the elastic. Then add a bow et voila.
Finally a pic of me and my new sunglasses. I'm loving their bold shape. They remind me of a pair I've been hankering after from The Row but as they're from Zara they're a snip at £17.99. Easy investment for some fun fashion.

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